Lovingkindness by Sharon Salzberg

How did this help you or the person you’re supporting?

“I used to suffer from negative thinking and negative self-talk which made me experience panic attacks for several years in my mid 20's. This book helped me develop self-kindness and accept myself exactly as a I am. The lovingkindess meditations changed my life. I started practicing the meditations from this book and following Sharon's work. I still get days where the inner critic is putting me down and comparing me to other people, but I now have the practice of practicing self-kindness through my thinking, feeling and behaviours. This book is amazing for anyone who wants to learn to build their self-esteem and love themselves more. What really helped was staying committed to the meditation practice on a daily basis - especially on my off days. The experience of connecting to the lovingkindess phrases helped me shift from a negative mindset to a positive mindset. I have continued to practice this for the last 10 years and have experienced so much joy, love and gratitude.”

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